Saturday, October 13, 2012

Update again


It's been a long time since i update my blog.And now i'm currently attending Labuan Matriculation College.Well,it's been a long time since i left SSP(Sekolah Seri Puteri).I really miss SSP.I miss my Eldaterra.Well,today i'm going to update something about Eldaterra's today.I never update like this before so i'm quite excited.Let me share my life at SSP on 2011!

At 6-7 every morning we usually have our breakfast at DM(Dewan Makan) and usually the dish are porridge,cereal,sandwhich,fried noodles and fried rice.Then,we will have assembly at the basketball court everyday.Right after the assembly we'll start the class.Right at 10.20am is our break time.At 2.30pm the class end and we'll have aour lunch.For me,the best dish is still chicken rice hahahah...oh sorry,over react.Well at 3.30pm we have prep and then we're allowed to go back to our dorminotary at 5pm.

6.30pm is when we'll have our dinner and at 8.30pm we'll have our night prep.We finished prep at 10.30pm and had our supper.Then,the day would end after the lights off at 11.30pm.

That was how i survived at SSP.Well,at SSP i'm the dorm leader of Ixora 1,also the assistant monitor and also BADAI(Badan Dakwah Islamiah).My life at SSP was simple.I just need my friendS to survive.

                               Syali   Mirazam      Me

However,it's all changed right now.Life at matriculation is totally different from SSP.I had only 2 roomates.It was very quiet because i usually had 8 people in a room and now suudenly it reduced to 2.It was a shocked.Buts still if you treat someone well,she'll treat you well too.My roomate is a kind of nice person.One is from Sabah and another one is from Sarawak.

zira and cyla

I really hope our friendship will last long.Let's all strive for 4 plat for PSPM.I'll end my post here.I'll try my best to update more in the future.With that,kamsan hamnida!

credit the pic from FB:mirazam,cyla,zyra and audi

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