Thursday, October 25, 2012

Running Man : Who Fits Song Ji Hyo Better?

Hi alls,

Good day to everyone who visited my blog.
Well,today as waht the topic say,i'm going to write about Running Man :Who Fits Song Ji Hyo Better?
As we know,RM is an extremely popular variety shows nowadays.Well,among the 7 members of RM, one of them is a woman name SONG JI HYO.The other members are YOO JAE SUK,JI SUK JIN,HAHA,KIM JONG KOOK,GARY and LEE GWANGSOO.

Well,based on what i saw,there are a few character that i think have a lot of chemistry with Jihyo when they are together.Who?

1)Gary & Jihyo (Monday Couple)

This pair are the most popular couple.Gary which shows a lot of interest in Jihyo caught a lot of attention to the viewers.Well,to be honest,Gary looks like someone who very interested in Jihyo.Jihyo did too but not as much as Gary.However,the sweetest part that Jihyo ever did is when in ep 16,she said "I already have a man on Monday ".

2)Jong Kook & Jihyo (SpartAce Couple)

Well,this couple seems quite noticeable lately by people.They are simply amazing when they are working in one team for exampla ep 21.However,honestly for me this couple shows a lot of chemistry.Jong Kook looks very caring to Jihyo especially during behind the scenes.

3)Haha & Jihyo (Secret Couple)

First of all,congratulation to Haha for the upcoming wedding with Byul on 30 November.Okay,back to the topic.Haha and Jihyo always argue when meeting with each other.However,there is once when they are both romantic that is in ep 43.Jihyo was once told that she never like Haha even in a single bit to the lie detector machine and surprisingly,she was caught lying.It means,she did like Haha.

So,for me,this is my ranking for the couple.


Saturday, October 13, 2012

Update again


It's been a long time since i update my blog.And now i'm currently attending Labuan Matriculation College.Well,it's been a long time since i left SSP(Sekolah Seri Puteri).I really miss SSP.I miss my Eldaterra.Well,today i'm going to update something about Eldaterra's today.I never update like this before so i'm quite excited.Let me share my life at SSP on 2011!

At 6-7 every morning we usually have our breakfast at DM(Dewan Makan) and usually the dish are porridge,cereal,sandwhich,fried noodles and fried rice.Then,we will have assembly at the basketball court everyday.Right after the assembly we'll start the class.Right at 10.20am is our break time.At 2.30pm the class end and we'll have aour lunch.For me,the best dish is still chicken rice hahahah...oh sorry,over react.Well at 3.30pm we have prep and then we're allowed to go back to our dorminotary at 5pm.

6.30pm is when we'll have our dinner and at 8.30pm we'll have our night prep.We finished prep at 10.30pm and had our supper.Then,the day would end after the lights off at 11.30pm.

That was how i survived at SSP.Well,at SSP i'm the dorm leader of Ixora 1,also the assistant monitor and also BADAI(Badan Dakwah Islamiah).My life at SSP was simple.I just need my friendS to survive.

                               Syali   Mirazam      Me

However,it's all changed right now.Life at matriculation is totally different from SSP.I had only 2 roomates.It was very quiet because i usually had 8 people in a room and now suudenly it reduced to 2.It was a shocked.Buts still if you treat someone well,she'll treat you well too.My roomate is a kind of nice person.One is from Sabah and another one is from Sarawak.

zira and cyla

I really hope our friendship will last long.Let's all strive for 4 plat for PSPM.I'll end my post here.I'll try my best to update more in the future.With that,kamsan hamnida!

credit the pic from FB:mirazam,cyla,zyra and audi

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Nada cinta

Annyeong Hasseyo,

Looks like the drama is over in Malaysia.Total of 244 episodes.Great act by Randy,Mikga,Donny and Michella who played as Ricky,Nada,Alex and Rasti.

This drama is quite interesting.The love story between Nada and Ricky seems infinity.I gave 3 out of 5 stars for this drama.Still the best for me is Olivia,Intan and Bidadari.

That's all from me.I'm satisfied since i waited for so long for the drama to end.


Tuesday, March 27, 2012


A few week ago,i just finished watching Dream High Season 2.All that i can say is the drama is out of my expatations.The story line just not good after they change their scriptwriter.WHY???

1)I don't know how,why after ep5,JB(Im Jaebum) suddenly fall in love with Shin Haesung(Kang Sora) since in ep5 he totally hate her since she hurt Rian(Jiyeon T-ara).

2)It is because i don't understand why the main actor Yujin(Jinwoon) don't really shine in this drama and all i can see they are too focus on JB.

3)I can't bear when JB broke up with Rian bcoz he wanted to achieve his dream and promised to his father and then he himself went to another girl and broke his promise.

4)I can't understand why Rian never know that JB and the others had planned a surprise birthday party for her...she should at least know that her friend cares for her!!

5)Why there's no couple decided at the end except for JR and Lee Seul?How about Nana,Siwoo,Rian,JB,Yujin and Haesung?

Okay,enough with that..let's move to anather drama i watched at the same time..Becoming a Billionaire...well,i totally like this drama because it is full of suspense,romantic and funny too!

1)All the episode make me wonder...who is Choi Seok Bong real father??I was was confusing because all the corporat people is keeping secret for their own interest.

2)The love developement between Shin Mi and Seok Bong really got my attention....and the same goes to Tae Hee and Woon Seok..

3)I love Tae Hee's character..she is awesome..i like her expression when he got jealous of Shin Mi anD Seok Bong and confused with her heart..

Overall,Becoming A Billionaire just great....

So I rated 4/5 for Becoming A Billionaire and 2.9/5 for Dream High 2..

However...hope everyone enjoy both drama..

Tuesday, January 3, 2012



Aishah melihat jam tangannya.Masih ada 20 minit sebelum sesi persekolahan dimulakan.Aishah menempatkan basikalnya di parkir basikal.Aishah berjalan perlahan menuju ke kelas.


Aishah berpusing.Fatin menghampirinya.Fatin menghulurkan sandwich kepadanya.

"Aishah...saya tak percaya awak tampar Akim semalam....tapi awak bertuah sebab dicium oleh Arif Akim kan?"
"NO!!Tahu tak dia dah curi my first kiss!!Arghh..."
"Come on're lucky..."
"Fatin...sorry tapi saya benci dia!"

Aishah mempercepatkan langkah ke kelas.


"Hai Aishah..."

Aishah tersedak melihat orang di hadapannya.Air kosong segera diminumnya.

"Sorry kalau saya mengejutkan awak.."
"Apa kau nak Akim?"tanya Aishah.
"Owh senang je...kau kena jadi girlfriend aku...."

Semua orang yang sedang makan di kantin terkejut.

"Tak...aku serius..."
"No waylah Akim..."
"Aku tak kisah kau nak cakap apa tapi yang pasti kita couple!"

Akim menghadiahkan ciuman di dahi Aishah lalu beredar.



Aril mengetuk pintu bilik muzik itu.Pintu dibuka.Kelihatan Marsha sedang bermain piano.

"Owh...Aril...baguslah awak di sini....saya ada benda nak cakap dengan awak..."
"Saya dah tahu...awak akan ke Paris kan?"
"Macam mana awak tahu?"
"Kenapa awak nak pergi lagi?Awak nak saya tunggu sampai bila?"
"Aril...saya nak kejar cita-cia saya.."
"Dengan menghancurkan hati saya?"
"Awak tahu saya cintakan awak kan?"

Marsha terdiam.

"Maaf...saya terpaksa pergi..."

Aril tanpa diduga terus memeluk Marsha.

"Marsha...saya tak nak kehilangan awak lagi...."

Aishah yang berada di luar melihat segala yang terjadi.Air mata perlahan menitis di pipinya.


Aishah duduk menghadap laut.Hatinya sedih.Harapan untuk memiliki Aril pudar.Aishah menangis sepuasnya.

"Awak nak tisu?"

Aishah terkejut melihat Akim duduk di sebelahnya.

"Apa awak..."
"Kan tadi saya suruh awak tunggu saya di dewan?Mana awak pergi?"
"Siapa peduli dengan awak.."
"Awak memang benci saya kan?"tanya Akim.
"Benci giler!"
"Saya tak kisah...awak sedih sebab Aril cinta Marsha?"

Aishah membulatkan matanya.

"Mana awak tahu?"
"Saya boleh lihat dari mata awak..sebab tu saya nak awak jadi kekasih saya supaya awak dapat lupakan Aril....sweet tak saya?"
"Akim,tapi saya suka dia..."

Aishah menangis lagi.

"Awak jangan risau...saya ada..."

Akim dengan segera memeluk Aishah.Biarlah kesedihan itu dilepaskan kepadanya.


Liyana mengunci kedai makan dengan segera kerana hujan lebat.Dia perlu sampai ke rumah dengan segera.

"Redah jelah hujan ini..."

Tangan Liyana ditarik dengan tiba-tiba.

"Hai awak...jom share payung...."
"Liyana....come on...jangan berhujan nanti demam..."

Kamal mendekatkan diri ke arah Liyana dengan membawa payung.

"Stay away from me.."

Liyana menolak Kamal malangnya payung terlepas dari tangan Kamal.Mereka sama-sama berhujan.

"Oh...look...saya dah basah dah ni..."
"Siapa suruh awak terhegeh ke sini..."
"Saya just nak buat baik tolong payungkan awak..."kata Kamal.

Tiba-tiba guruh berdentum.Liyana yang penakut terus mendakap Kamal.Mereka bertentang mata buat seketika.

"Sorry..."kata Liyana lalu meleraikan dakapan Kamal.
"Jom saya hantar awak balik..."
"Takpe saya balik sendiri..."
"Ahhh...jangan degil...."

Kamal tanpa menunggu jawapan terus menarik Liyana ke dalam keretanya dan memecut ke rumah Liyana.


"Saya akan ke Paris bersama Marsha..."

Jantung Aishah bagai nak pecah mendengar kata-kata Aril.

"Malam ni.."
"Okay...good luck..."
"Thanks sebab banyak bagi dorongan...."
"You're welcome.."
"Saya pergi dulu...jumpa lagi..."

Aril memeluk Aishah lalu beredar.Aishah masih di situ.Air mata mula jatuh berguguran.Aishah hampir rebah namun sempat dasambut sesorang lalu didakapnya Aishah dengan erat.

"Jangan menangis untuk dia..."